Father engagement is essential to vibrant and safe communities. It is our mission to promote responsible fatherhood among men and provide resources to increase father engagement in communities throughout Tarrant County.
We need your support! Your gift of any size will greatly impact the lives of children by reducing challenges research has proven to exist with low father engagement.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recognizes Father Coalition of Tarrant County as a Section 501(c)(3) public charity. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 88-09644831. Contributions to the Fatherhood Coalition of Tarrant County may be eligible for a tax deduction in the U.S.A., please consult your tax advisor for eligibility. No goods or services were offered or provided in exchange for this contribution.
We need your support! Your gift of any size will greatly impact the lives of children by reducing challenges research has proven to exist with low father engagement.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recognizes Father Coalition of Tarrant County as a Section 501(c)(3) public charity. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 88-09644831. Contributions to the Fatherhood Coalition of Tarrant County may be eligible for a tax deduction in the U.S.A., please consult your tax advisor for eligibility. No goods or services were offered or provided in exchange for this contribution.